Hoo boy. No, really. Hoo-effin'-boy. If there was ever a topic that was prime for Forays Into Freeperville, the unbelievable debacle that is the story of Major Stefan Frederick Cook, the Freeper-Birther lunatic, is it. It's like a boxing ring with the leftists (us) on one side and the birther/Freepers (them) on the other:
Announcer: In this cawnah, wearing the bright blue silk shawts with rainbow piping and weighing in with intellect, perspective and a crazily-tickled funny bone...Lefty McLeftisssssssssst!!!
Annnnnnnnnd in this cawnah, wearing red silk shawts with black-and-white (emphasis on the WHITE) stripes and weighing in with self-delusion, lunacy and divorce from reality...Birthy McFreeper Paaaaaaaaaaants!!!
As you probably already know, Maj. Cook, a reservist who volunteered in May (note that date: months AFTER Barack Obama was sworn in as president) for deployment to Afghanistan recently filed a lawsuit claiming the president had no standing to send him into war since he wasn't a US citizen and not qualified to be president.
This week his orders were rescinded and was fired from his job with a military contractor.
Hilarity ensued...